Neighborhood Party
NOTICe hosted its Annual Neighborhood Party and Member Meeting on Thursday, March 5th at The Gables in Old Town North. The party was a wonderful opportunity for our members to connect and socialize over a glass of wine and tasty treats from local businesses Maillard Therapy and From Politics to Pastry. It also was a success in raising awareness of our organization with 17 new members joining or renewing their memberships. Many Gables residents stopped by on their way home and were also able to learn about NOTICe.
Our guest speaker, Mayor Justin Wilson, filled us in on city happenings, talked briefly about the city budget and took questions from NOTICe members. Several City Council members attended the party to show their support for our neighborhood as well.
Many thanks to the organizing team (Vice President Karen Branding, Secretary James Lewis and Trevor A. Riley), The Gables Old Town North for hosting our event in their gorgeous Community Room and to the Old Town North Community Partnership and the Old Town North Alliance for their generous contributions!