NOTICe 25th Annual Membership Meeting

Celebrate NOTICe’s 25th Anniversary with us on November 14th at The Hub!

NOTICe will hold our Annual Member Meeting and Board Elections on Thursday, November 14th at The Hub (formally The Bike Club) at 99 Canal Center Suite 110.

The evening will begin at 6:30pm with a Welcome Reception to mix and mingle with fellow members. Refreshments will be provided by vendors from the Montgomery Park Farmers’ Market and will feature a special non-alcoholic Fall Punch. Join us in celebrating the 25th Birthday of NOTICe by raising a glass and enjoying some desserts.

Following our NOTICe update and Board Elections, we are excited to welcome Melissa Atwood, Senior Environmental Specialist from the Alexandria Department of Environmental Quality. Melissa will chat with us about the recent DCA South of the Airport Noise Study and the recommendations found.

A reminder that all NOTICe memberships expire on October 31st, so be sure to renew you membership online TODAY or at the door of the meeting (exact change or check please). Only paid members may vote in NOTICe elections, so don’t delay in renewing. And invite a friend to learn what NOTICe is all about!

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, November 14th. Click below to RSVP for the meeting and to renew your membership!


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Take NOTICe - August 2024